Lenox Park Atlanta Engagement Session

How We Met... (Anna’s Version)


Vince and I met in the most romantic way. I spilled a Venti coffee all over myself and my

desk at work. Luckily Vince saved the day by letting me borrow his coffee rag (for those of

you who aren’t familiar with the term, it is a dish cloth used for coffee spills at work instead

of a paper towel…). Even though we had sat next to each other at work for a month or so,

Vince was constantly on conference calls so we hadn’t really met! Naturally I used the

opportunity to recruit the smartest guy at the ranch to play trivia with us.


From that point on, Vince was roped into all of my crazy plans; hatching sea monkeys,

buying a habitat for a peppermint shrimp, tie-dying shirts for a MARTA themed birthday

party, and lots of piñatas. At some point, I realized he was the only partner in crime I wanted

in life, and we started dating! I knew it was a done deal when my dog Emmy started liking

him more than me.

How We Met... (Vince’s Version)


Once upon a time in a land called AT&T, a beautiful maiden sitting at the desk next to mine spilled

her coffee.

Here, I thought, is truly a damsel in distress, for if I do not act with haste her computer and keyboard shall surely



And so, leaping from my ergonomic office chair, I withdrew the coffee rag I kept in my file cabinet

(for I myself, dearest reader, was no stranger to spilled coffee) and handed it to the ochre-haired

Senior Program Project Manager who so desperately required its absorptive powers. At precisely

that moment, our eyes met, and I knew that we would fall in love.


But every young reader knows that where there are damsels, there are dragons. And so began my

quest to win over the fierce dragon Emmy, who was the fair Anna's loyalest protector. At first this

seemed an insurmountable challenge, for the dragon required constant walks and demanded my

participation in hours-long games of fetch and tug-o- war. Nevertheless I persevered, and ultimately I

succeeded not only in taming wild Emmy, but also in finding her a new friend: Maddie the unicorn-

whippet, whose speed and grace have become the subject of so many poems and songs.

Now we are four -- Anna, Emmy, Maddie and I -- and sometimes when I catch Anna singing to

herself in her car, or pretending to be a ninja, or shopping for horses online, I want to cry because

I'm so happy.


I can't wait to marry her.

HOW HE ASKED - more below!

How He asked… (Anna’s Version)

I am a fairly nosy person, so usually there are no secrets I can’t figure out. So, I was assuming that I

would not be surprised when Vince proposed. We went to Mexico for our friend’s wedding last

November. I knew Vince was planning on popping the question sometime soon, and I reminded

him several times that he was not allowed to propose at someone else’s wedding. We were watching

some sci-fi movie on the flight back, and I heard someone talking over the intercom. Vince, being

the gentleman that he is, had taken the middle seat. He ripped my headphones out of my ear, and

hopping over me to get into the aisle. I heard the flight attendant say something about how Vince

knew he couldn’t propose in Mexico, so he was going to propose as soon as possible afterwards. I

was, of course, sobbing. It was an amazing and super surprising moment.

How I Asked… (Vince’s Version)

In another life, my fiancé might have been a detective. There’s very little she doesn’t notice, and

she’s basically a human lie detector.


So I knew I had to be especially sneaky with how I proposed to her.

Fortunately, I caught a break: Anna asked me NOT to propose at our friend’s wedding in Mexico in

late November. Which meant that I’d have to propose some time after Thanksgiving. Or so she



That’s when I hatched my plan. If I couldn’t propose in Mexico, then I’d propose the moment we

entered American airspace, on the flight back, 30,000 feet in the air.

I gave the flight attendant a script to read over the intercom and, when we had reached a safe

altitude and finished drink service, she did exactly that.

A few moments later, somewhere over western Alabama, Anna and I were engaged.

She never did get to finish her in-flight movie.

Erik & Christlyn are Lunalee Photography: Atlanta Wedding and Engagement Photographers