Homey Wedding in Adair Park

Alyssa & William have got to be the most chill couple ever, like for realz.

Not only that, but these two carried their chillness over to their wedding day and planned the most perfectly special day with all of their favorite activities. Erik and I first met Alyssa & William at a local coffee shop near their home in Adair Park. One of the first things we bonded over was our passionate belief that just because you aren't having a big traditional wedding (or maybe doing thing a little differently from tradition) that doesn't mean your wedding isn't meaningful to you. In fact, it's quite the opposite!

Now, I don't want this to sound like I am bashing on big traditional weddings - that's not the case at all. All I'm saying is do whatever the heck you want! Do whatever best suits you (you being you AND your partner) and just be yourself. Keep the day about your love because what is more important than that?!?! I know that can be tough. It actually took Erik and I a few months to really figure out exactly what we wanted as opposed to what we thought we had to have in order to make our marriage look legitimate in the eyes of other. This is especially an area were Alyssa & William's wedding shined and they said, "Fuck it, we'll do what we want!". I'm taking some creative liberty here... I don't actually know what they said, but I imagine thats probably about right.


Now, here is Alyssa in her own words, describing her wedding day:

"Weddings are a lot. A lot of planning, a lot of love, and a lot of opportunity to do it big. When we sat down to plan the day billed as the most important of our lives, the one thing we agreed on right away was that it should be all about us. So we plotted a trip to the courthouse downtown, just two miles north of the neighborhood we call home. After that, a quick and painless photo session to capture the first hours as husband and wife. And because no celebration is complete without good food, we continued our perfect day at our favorite restaurant. And then our other favorite restaurant. And a bar we like. And another favorite restaurant. It was a day Louis CK might be proud of (Google the bang-bang episode of Louie and you’ll know what I mean).

Even with a guest list of two, there was a lot of planning involved. Find a laid back photographer - check. Schedule the appointment at the courthouse - check. Plan our celebratory food and drinks, make sure the house looks clean and the garden beds have a little color, and our outfits are clean and our hair looks alright - check, check, check, check. A lot of care went into thinking about the way we wanted to spend our “perfect day”. And that night, as we snuggled into bed with our cats, our hearts were full knowing we accomplished our goal: tying the knot in a way that was meaningful for us, and capturing part of the celebration to share with friends and family."

